Friday 27 July 2012

Roman Empire

This derives from one of a series of marble maps alongside the Via dei Foro Imperio in Rome. Set up in 1912 and now somewhat discoloured and stained, this version has been photoshopped back into something approaching a pristine state (at least within the borders of the Empire). Original labelling is in Italian (Germanico anyone?), so I’ve removed that as well. I like the (authentically) 3D coastline effect and have used it as a basemap (and talking point) in presentations. This purports to show the empire at its greatest extent under Trajan, although the province of Mesopotamia was a very temporary addition. The sites of Kalkreise and Kalefeld (orange) and forts at Laugaricio and Balklava (red) indicate some of the range of earlier and later activity well beyond this border.
The projection appears to be Lambert Conformal, more or less, but my perspective corrections to the upward viewpoint of the original photo have probably distorted this somewhat, so I don’t get a precise fit. Still, most things drop into place pretty well and reprojection (as here to Miller Cylindrical) have an intruiging effect.

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